Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wow! What a task the Lord has set before me!

A few months ago the Lord called me to be His servant. I was to sell my business, my home and become a Minister for Him. Wow! What a task the Lord set before me! I eagerly walked forward and answered His call.

After about 2 weeks I started having doubts and wondering if the Lord really had called me so I asked Him for complete and total confirmation. Be ready when you ask for confirmation - He will definately give it to you! I am completely certain now (still had been but you know how satan works) and am running forward to do His work.

Several weeks ago a lady from California called and said she wanted to purchase half of my business! Wow, when the Lord says sell your business He really means it! I just shipped everything she purchased yesterday. Praise God for His blessings!

I have decided to write this blog on my walk to becoming a Minister for God so that you may share my highs and lows. Yes, I will have lows - satan is alive and well (for now....come Lord Jesus, come) and is roaming to and fro and wrecking all kinds of havoc. Satan loves to target those the Lord has chosen and is constantly testing me. I'm really not kidding about that! I have been attacked so many times and just constantly pray for deliverance. Thank you Lord for always being at my side ready to sweep satan out of my path!

WORD for the day: Isaiah 41:13 - For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand, and says to you, "Do not fear, for I will help you."


  1. Welcome to the family! Enjoy your journey and yes, it will have its ups and downs. It will be worth it all. I cannot imagine doing anything else. If you go the FLAME route maybe I will have an opportunity to meet you, I still try to get back occasionally.

  2. Kevin:

    I am taking the FLAME courses and also the correspondence courses. Wow, what a schedule! Are you a teacher or did you take the classes?
